My Stuff
Re: Print usernotes on an advanced PDF
Hi @Paul Salkeld, Upon further investigation and testing, I was able to confirm that there is an existing Enhancement Request for the printing of the User Notes. Enhancement 111275: Transactions >…1 -
Re: Auto Receive Transfer Order
Hi @Ivan Babiichuk, Thank you for sharing! This is really helpful for members who also needs this. -Lyka1 -
Re: Add a Custom Financial Report in Reports Tab for accounting center role
Thank you for your reply, @Anneth. Since we cannot reproduce this in our testing environment, we would not be able to find the root cause of this issue. I highly suggest for you to file a Support Cas…1 -
Re: Custom Item Fields not Appearing and what is this 'Item Options' box?
Hi Dext3r, We are now checking if this is a current issue. Are you still experiencing this problem? -Lyka1